When Life Gives You Lavender, Make Lavender Lemonade

There I was at Landscaper's Depot in Kingston, NH, all excited for our first trip of the season out to the nursery. It was a beautiful, perfect spring day. The sun was shining, birds chirping.....you get the picture. Apparently I was SO distracted by all the beauty around me that I mistakenly purchased lavender instead of the rosemary I was seeking to add to my herb garden. While they look similar, they smell vastly different, but I was obviously drunk on the sunshine because I clearly missed that fact. It wasn't until I was all the way home and entertaining the neighborhood kids with a taste test sample of my new herb bounty that I discovered the error. So, I did what anyone would do in that situation and tried to come up with a productive use for my new plant - Lavender Lemon Drops!!!

Of course, you can also dry it and add it to Epsom salts along with a few drops of lavender essential oil for a relaxing bath soak...but I'd argue the Lavender Lemon Drops would also be quite relaxing!

Base Lavender Lemonade Recipe - Add it to a cocktail shaker with vodka and ice, shake, and strain into a martini glass for a Lavender Lemon Drop Martini!

Recipe created by Chef Humphrey Morbeck

From the August 2002 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine

Makes about 16 servings

3 cups sugar

7 lavender sprigs (stems and buds), plus additional for garnish*

2 cups fresh lemon juice (from about 12 lemons)

1/2 cup fresh lime juice (from about 5 limes)

In a large saucepan, bring one gallon of water and the sugar to a boil. Remove from heat; add 7 lavender sprigs and lemon and lime juices. Cool to room temperature, strain, and chill. Serve on ice, with additional lavender for garnish.

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